Be ready for an underwater adventure in our first-ever game.

A/D - Move horizontally.
Space - Jump.
Hold Space - Use Jet-pack.
E - Place Bomb.
Q - Place Zip-line Pillar/Ride the Zip-line Up.
Hold Q - Ride Multiple Zip-lines Up.
Tab - Inventory & Shop.
Left Click - Shoot to mouse position.
Right Click - Drill attack.

Get as deeper as you can with your limited battery, find resources and get the back up safely to upgrade you gear or buy new weapons to be able to venture further.

Zip-line System:
Zip-line is used to get back up fast. They can be placed 3 blocks below the previous pillar with no obstacles between them. Pillars can only be placed on the edges of the blocks.

This game was made in a week during Brackey's Game Jam 2023.2

Hope you will enjoy it! We will be happy to receive any feedback!


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We recommend playing the game on fullscreen (bottom right button), after the game jam ends we will fix the game resolution problem.

* The game's playable area is larger than my browser window (1920x1080) which seems excessive.
* hiding instructions on how to play the game behind sand blocks was a weird choice

Thank you for your feedback! We will fix these issues after the game jam ends.